Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Most Sought After Jobs of 2017

The Most Sought After Jobs of 2017 Thinking about a career change this year? Hard to believe, but it’s been almost 7 years since the great recession hit its peak. Things sure have changed in that time. I know, if you were on the job market around 2010 this is probably hard to believe, but it’s true, and it gets even better. If you’ll look at the first chart in the infographic  by Betterteam, you’ll see that employment followed a mirror image trend, and has ended up just a bit above where it was in 2006. On top of all that, we’ve got the longest time to hire in recent history, hovering around 27 days, and the most jobs going unfilled ever in the U.S. This perfect storm has created a job seeker’s market, making it tougher than ever for employers to fill positions. Good news if you’re considering a new job or career this year! So what are the very best places, jobs and industries to be in right now? If you’re thinking about making a career move, or a physical move, this is useful information to have. Some of the highest demand jobs going into 2017 are: Registered Nurses Monthly Demand of 9.1K. Office Manager Monthly Demand of 6.3K. Operations Manager Monthly Demand of 5.7K. Personal Care Aide Monthly Demand of 5K. Accountant Monthly Demand of 4.1K. These may not have been the jobs you dreamed of having when you were a kid, but if you want something that’s in high demand, they’re your ticket. The industries that are growing fastest include: IT 18 percent growth Healthcare 16 percent growth Design 14 percent growth Business financial 9.9 percent growth Sales 6.2 percent growth IT and healthcare were probably not that big of a surprise for people tuned in to the current job market. But design is interesting it’s mostly being carried by web design, an occupation that’s seeing a crazy 27 percent rate of growth. The popular cities were also interesting. They tended toward warmer climates, and five of the ten cities with the fastest job growth were in one state. Here’s the top 5 cities: Cape Coral, FL Myrtle Beach, SC Orlando, FL Naples, FL Tucson, AZ Interestingly, some of the most in demand individual jobs saw peak demand in states whose cities didn’t make our top 10 list. New York State, for example had some of the highest demand for home care aides, and California and Georgia saw high demand for certified nursing assistants and accountants. So, if none of the high growth cities are ideal for you, you may want to look at which states are best for your general industry. In general, if you’re looking to get a little more green, sunshine, or both in your life, now may be the time to make a big move. Maybe it’s time to hunt for a new job, or maybe it’s time to ask for that raise you’ve been wanting. Either way, the numbers are probably on your side. About the author:  Paul Peters is content marketer and job ad writer with Betterteam. Before Betterteam he spent 6 years building an education startup, where he was was involved with many aspects of the business, including hiring and marketing.

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